01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne


Our school policies are available below, just click on the link you wish to download. If you would prefer a paper copy, they are available from the school office free of charge.

Hope Sentamu Learning Trust Policies

Anti-Bullying Policy

Attendance and Absence Policy

Behaviour Policy

CCTV Policy

Charges and Remissions Policy

Complaints Policy and Procedure 

Equality Policy and Objectives

Data Protection (UK GDPR) Policy

First Aid Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

GDPR Privacy Notice – Members / Trustees / Governors

GDPR Privacy Notice – Students

GDPR Privacy Notice – Parents and Carers

Health and Safety Policy & Procedures Manual

Protection of Biometric Data Statement

Relationships & Sex Education and Health Education Policy (Please note an updated version of the Policy has been approved and is currently under parental consultation – see below)

DRAFT Relationships, Sex Education and Health Education Policy (Under parental consultation prior to final publication)
(Please click here for more information)

Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy

SEND Policy

Subject Access Request Policy and Procedures

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions and Administering Medication Policy

Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy

Whistleblowing Policy


For Hope Sentamu Learning Trust financial and governance information, please click the following links;
Financial Information
Governance & Scheme of Delegation

Electronic and paper copies are available on request by contacting the School Office.


Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

Send us an email

Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.