01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Parent/Carer Consultation

Proposal to increase core funded planned place numbers

Your feedback is important and will be considered as part of the consultation process.
Please click the following link for more information: Compass Academy Significant Change Consultation
Should you wish to give feedback on our proposed changes, please provide this by completing our Consultation Form

Parent/Carer Consultation:
Relationships & Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education Policy

As a school, we are required by law to teach the RSHE topics given by the DFE. Consultation allows parents/carers to share their views on our RSHE approach. 
Please click the following link for our updated RSHE Policy
Parent/Carer Consultation
Please note parents/carers can submit comments or feedback at any point as there is no end date to this consultation. RSHE Consultation link – responses will be reviewed periodically and taken into account when the policy is reviewed each year.
RSHE Curriculum