01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Moving to our school from primary

Transition from primary school

Message from the Principal

Welcome to George Pindar School! I am delighted that your child will soon be a member of #TeamPindar and want to take this opportunity to thank you for entrusting us with the care of your child for the next five years. Here at GPS we are proud to serve Eastfield and the south of Scarborough and to be a member of the Hope Learning Trust. We are very #ProudToBePindar and hope that your child will feel the same! We want the very best for all our students and have high expectations for them. We believe that everyone needs high aspirations to succeed and to that end our vision is to ‘Strive for Success’ in all that we do. We believe that every child is full of potential and has a unique part to play in our society.

We pride ourselves on the relationships we build between our students, parents, school and the local community. During these unprecedented times, school is open and we would be happy to answer any queries you have – email is easiest in the first instance at hello@hps.hlt.academy In addition, our school website has a host of useful information and our social media channels are regularly updated so please follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

Transition this year will look very different to previous years as we deal with the Coronavirus pandemic. We want to work closely with all our new students and their families in order to ensure that the move to secondary education is as effective as possible. This page is designed to explain, briefly, some of the questions you might have now. Further information will follow throughout transition events and the detailed transition booklet you will receive in late June.

Here at George Pindar School we understand that success is different for all children and to that end we aim to develop the whole child ensuring that academic success is as highly valued as a rounded education which allows young people to take their next steps.

We offer a wide range of opportunities from academic achievement to sporting and musical activities, as well as a wide and varied programme of extra-curricular opportunities and whole school celebrations. Our exciting projects include the ‘Stepping Forward’ with Anglo American and our EDGE programme with North Yorkshire Police and other local businesses. We are a school committed to ensuring that our students develop in all ways and ‘Strive for success’ in all that they do’.

May I finish by saying how much I am looking forward to meeting you and your child and working together in the years ahead. The future for George Pindar school is an exciting one and I am confident that collectively we can support your child to reach their potential in everything they undertake.

Mrs L Welsh, Principal


Welcome from Miss Petts (Head of Year 7)

Miss PettsMy role, alongside our dedicated pastoral team that consists of Ms Anna Tunnard  (SENCo), Miss Holly Pickles (Pastoral Support Officer), and our experienced team of form tutors, is to make sure your child is happy, settled and confident. Personally, I aim to ensure that every child thrives and flourishes during their first year here at George Pindar School. It is an exciting time, but also an opportunity for a ‘fresh start’; an opportunity to create a positive impression; an opportunity to embark on a new adventure and to be a successful individual within our community.

Form Tutors will help your child to feel secure and to make new friends within their form groups and across the year group. They will encourage your child to take advantage of the many clubs, activities and social events over the course of the year. As a pastoral team, we will also be there to guide your child and solve any problems they encounter and to support you as a parent / carer. This is an important time in your child’s life, and we will strive to ensure it is positive and memorable.

Myself, Ms Tunnard and Miss Pickles have already begun to contact every student’s primary school to ensure we have all the necessary information needed about your son or daughter and can ensure their transition is as smooth as possible.  I will also be looking at different ways to engage with parents to discuss any worries or concerns you may have.

Myself and my team are really looking forward to getting to know each and every one of you.

Miss Petts, Head of Year 7


Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

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Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.