01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne



The Compass Academy supports pupils with a range of special educational needs and disabilities. The Compass Academy is committed to ensuring that all pupils, regardless of need, are given the opportunity to experience a challenging and rewarding education in a supportive and safe environment.

The academy’s SEND policy and Equality Objectives reflect our approach to ensuring that our pupils have access to the support they require to develop their individual abilities and talents. Link: com.hslt.academy/policies

Should you require any Special Educational Needs information, please email;

Holly Lockyer
Vice Principal / SENDCO

Hull Local Offer

In Hull there is a lot of support available to children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families. Please check the Hull City Council Local Offer website for information including early years, health, social care and becoming an adult.

To help you find the information you need please take a look at the Hull Local Offer website

Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

Send us an email

Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.
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