01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Welcome from the Principal

Welcome to the Compass Academy

Welcome to The Compass Academy!

Our curriculum intends to meet the varied and individual needs of all our pupils.

We offer a broad and balanced curriculum that enables pupils to engage and re-engage with learning while studying traditional National Curriculum subjects at Key Stage 3.

We believe that pupils have an educational entitlement, regardless of previous performance. It is our mission to develop curriculum success for all. Through modified learning approaches and intense learning packages we aim to bring pupils’ learning back on track, to accelerate progress and close the gap for those demonstrating regression from KS2. We also aim for those pupils who arrive with an uncertain future to successfully transition to KS4 and gain the qualifications, skills and personal attributes to be successful post-16, whether in work or further education.

Our curriculum is highly flexible and tailored to individual needs and may change over time. We look for every opportunity to be innovative and maintain a 21st century offer to pupils.

Claire Horne

Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

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