George Pindar School is committed to educating the whole student and not concentrating purely on academic outcomes.
Our Philosophy and Ethics curriculum is based on the PSHE Associations model that covers Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Sex Education and Living in the Wider World and which aims to prepare students for life in modern Britain.
Philosophy and Ethics is delivered to all year groups in a discrete one-hour lesson every week together with a tutor time programme that includes Economic Wellbeing, Citizenship, British Values and Careers & Character Development. As part of the Philosophy and Ethics programme, we also deliver the Archbishop Young Leaders Award at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4.
Assemblies are also instrumental to our deliver of Philosophy and Ethics and they are used to deliver key messages about acceptance, liberty, social intelligence, diversity and risk taking behaviours. Assemblies follow a British Values, SMSC, Character Building and Citizenship theme. We often have outside speakers who deliver important messages to our students, such as the local police officers explaining the causes and effects of ant- social behaviour and the local road safety officer explaining how students can keep themselves safe.
As part of the discrete Philosophy and Ethics lessons, we also cover statutory Religious Education at KS3 and KS4 Students look at the religious beliefs set out in the North Yorkshire agreed syllabus which includes the coverage of Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism and Islam. Christianity features across all year groups and in year 10 and year 11 lessons, the students follow Edexcel/ Pearson’s Short Course in RS, Specification B. Please see our separate statement on statutory Religious Education.
If any families want more information about our programme, please download this DfE information leaflet or call the school to arrange to speak with the Associate Vice Principal: Curriculum.