01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Modern Foreign Languages

Modern Foreign Languages

Subject Lead: Miss M Wales


Key Stage 3

Modern Foreign Languages at George Pindar School is characterised by our commitment, enthusiasm and willingness to Language Teaching and Learning. We believe that all students can benefit from the study of a foreign language and we are proud of the fact that we offer French to all our students.

At Key Stage 3, students study French with the emphasis being on having fun whilst learning the language. Language games, songs and speaking work ensure that all students are well motivated to achieve well and make good progress.

Key Stage 4

Exam Board:  AQA: French

                        AQA: German

                        AQA: Spanish

A GCSE in a Modern Foreign Language forms part of the valued English Baccalaureate qualification. It teaches students how to communicate about a wide variety of everyday topics. Throughout the course, students will develop their reading, writing and listening skills. They are assessed through a conversation lasting at least five minutes, a written examination testing their reading of the target language and a listening examination. Revising and learning the vocabulary are essential to success on this course.

Assessment: 100% Exam


Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

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