01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Learning Offer

We aim to provide outstanding, inspirational education that will empower pupils to reach their full potential and give them a vision for life and their future.

A broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 3: The KS3 curriculum has many of the characteristics followed in a mainstream environment in order to aid reintegration. However, it also includes unique opportunities for self-development and understanding. This includes a bespoke enrichment programme.

  • Small groups of 8 pupils with a staff-pupil ratio of 1:4.
  • Individualised pathways tailored to the pupil.
  • Personalised Literacy and Numeracy programmes for all pupils to improve achievement. Heavy investment and promotion of reading packages, support and strategies.
  • An Individual mentoring programme to support the progress of each pupil.

Remote Learning Offer
If parents have any questions or concerns about our curriculum, or simply would like elements of it explaining, please don’t hesitate to contact Jacqui Thompson or Lisa Allen at The Compass Academy.