01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne



The learning experience

Pupils follow a broad & balanced curriculum with its roots in basic literacy and numeracy. With good skills in these areas, pupils will have the best chance of a positive post-16 outcome. Therefore, the core skills found in English and Maths run throughout all subject areas.

High quality teaching will enable pupils to make the best progress, including more rapid progress where gaps in learning are evident. Both qualified teachers and unqualified teachers providing specialist knowledge and experience deliver high quality lessons, supported by a vigorous quality assurance programme ensuring standards are maintained across the academy.

We aim to provide outstanding, inspirational education that will empower pupils to reach their full potential and give them a vision for life and their future.

– A broad and balanced curriculum at Key Stage 3. The KS3 curriculum has many of the characteristics followed in a mainstream environment in order to aid reintegration. However, it also includes unique opportunities for self-development and understanding. This includes a bespoke enrichment programme.

– Small groups, up to 12 pupils with a staff-pupil ratio of 1:4.

– Individualised pathways tailored to the pupil.

– Personalised Literacy and Numeracy programmes for all pupils to improve achievement. Heavy investment and promotion of reading packages, support and strategies.

– An Individual mentoring programme to support the progress of each pupil.

Our subjects

All pupils have the opportunity to study the following subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Humanities
  • Science
  • PE
  • RE
  • Food Technology
  • Art
  • PSHE
  • Careers education
  • Life Studies (RSHE)

Further information

Parent/Carer RSE Information

If parents have any questions or concerns about our curriculum, or simply would like elements of it explaining, please don’t hesitate to contact our Principal, Claire Horne, by emailing: hello@com.hslt.academy

Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

Send us an email

Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.