01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne

Our Community

Our Community

Pupils must be able to recognise the communities they belong to, their potential impact on those communities and their responsibility to the wider global community. This is essential if they are to be successful post-16 and mature into active and productive members of society.

The Compass Academy allows pupils to recognise their immediate roles within their local communities (including academy, team, family home, area and city). Pupils will soon be following the JASS (Junior Award Scheme for Schools) programme, which not only supports them in the aim above, but further encourages them to become positively involved in what is going on around them.

JASS is structured into four sections, designed to stretch different aspects of developing confident individuals.

  • My Interests: developing an interest or learning a new skill
  • Get Active, Stay Active: taking part in sport and physical activity
  • Me and My World: contributing to the local community
  • Adventure: outdoor activity and learning, including team work and problem solving

Each of these sections can be constructed to meet the needs of the individuals or to tie in with local interests or projects. The programme requires pupils to self-assess and evaluate their contributions at regular intervals throughout the academic year. The programme requires them to collate and liaise with various members of their local communities in order to evidence their contributions.

These are recognised with pin badges and certificates, providing a useful evidence base to present to employers and post-16 training providers during applications and interviews. This also allows the community to view them in a different light, amending any negative perceptions some may have of young people, allowing young people to feel pride and confidence in what they can do for others and recognise the positives in much of what they already do.

Charity and Fundraising

The Compass Academy encourages pupils to see ways in which they can positively contribute to society without necessarily raising money.

The Compass Academy demonstrates to pupils the importance of time and personal sacrifice to raise money for organisations, communities and charities on local, national and international levels. Annual fundraisers and events for Comic Relief and Children in Need, along with local charities such as Dove House, helping the homeless and a local care home. This list isn’t exclusive and changes according to national and international need.

Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

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Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.