01482 331720 | Directions
Principal – Claire Horne


All UK state schools, by law, need to have an anti-bullying policy. 

The core values of The Compass Academy are forgiveness, endurance and community.

In order to promote this the themes of equality, tolerance and a respect for others run throughout our curriculum and pastoral core.

Compass Academy’s aim is for pupils to leave with all the tools they need to be successful, positive contributors to society, both within and outside of their own local communities.

Bullying is counterproductive to this aim and therefore bullying is not tolerated at The Compass Academy.

The Compass Academy uses a range of approaches to educate our young people to prevent incidents of bullying. The Compass Academy considers an act of bullying to be any act designed to wilfully hurt, upset or threaten another person. This is inclusive of actions which are: verbal, physical, cyber and emotional. This includes incidents where the aggressor’s motivators are based on racism, homophobia, a superior sense of possessing physical or intellectual attributes, accent or socio-economic status.

The Compass Academy also has a range of approaches in place to resolve and deal with bullying issues, should they still arise. These include: ‘no blame’ support groups, restorative practice and circle time in conjunction with, where required, sanction, reprimand and parental involvement.

Reporting your concerns

If you have a bullying concern, please contact us immediately in one of the following ways:

Email: hello@com.hslt.academy

Telephone: The Compass Academy and ask for your child’s Tutor or SLO.

In person: ask your child to approach any member of staff.

Compass Academy
Snowdon Way
Hull HU7 5DS

01482 331720

Send us an email

Compass Academy will provide a paper copy of the information on the school website if requested. Please email us with any requests.